Spanish Adjectives

-Adjectives in Spanish agree with the noun to which they refer in gender(masculine or feminine) and number(singular or plural).
Adjectives which end in -o change to -a (feminine singular), -os and -as.

-Adjectives agree even when separated fromthe noun.
La casa es pequeña.   The bouse is small.
Los libros son pequeños.   The books are small.

Not all adjectives have separate frminie forms.
-Adjectives ending in -e have no separate feminine form
 Maria está triste.      Maria is sad.

-Most adjectives ending in a consonant have no separate feminine form.
 una falda azul          a blue skirt.

-Adjectives ending in -or and most in -on do, however, have feminie forms. Those in -on dropthe accent.
 Su esposa es mandona.    His wife is bossy.

-Adjectives of nationality, like español(Spanish), inglés(English), francés(French) and alemán(German) do have feminine forms.
Any final accent is dropped before such endings.
Las mujeres inglesas       the english women
Esta revista es alemana.        This magagine is German.

-Most Spanish adjectives come after the noun.
Aqui hay parques magnificos.           There are amgnificent parks here.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


Cominations of adjectives and nouns, 스페인어의 형용사 명사결합

The indefinite article, 부정관사