- Spanish also has plural forms of the indefinite article, unos (masculine) and unas (feminine). The plural forms unos and unas can also mean some . Hay unos hombres ne la esquina.(There are some men onthe corner.) Creo que hay unas galletas en la cocina. (I think there are some biscuits in the kitchen.) -The use of the indeifnite article is generaly similar to English. Una chica canta en un coro.(A girl is singing ina choir.) Some differences, however -The indifinete article is not used after ser (to be) or hacerse (to become) to denote professions, status, etc. Soy estudiante.(I´m a student.) -It´s not generally used after tener (to have) inthe negative. No tengo familia.(I haven´t got a family) -The indefinite article is usually omitte with sin (without)and con (with). Lo abrí sin llave.(I opened it without a key.) -It´s not used with otro (other,) cierto (certai...
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