The indefinite article, 부정관사

-Spanish also has plural forms of the indefinite article,unos(masculine) andunas(feminine). The plural forms unos and unas can also mean some.
 Hay unos hombres ne la esquina.(There are some men onthe corner.)
 Creo que hay unas galletas en la cocina. (I think there are some biscuits in the kitchen.)

-The use of the indeifnite article is generaly similar to English.
 Una chica canta en un coro.(A girl is singing ina choir.)

Some differences, however

-The indifinete article is not used after ser(to be) or hacerse(to become) to denote professions, status, etc.
 Soy estudiante.(I´m a student.)

-It´s not generally used after tener(to have) inthe negative.
No tengo familia.(I haven´t got  a family)

-The indefinite article is usually omitte with sin(without)and con(with).
Lo abrí sin llave.(I opened it without a key.)

-It´s not used with otro(other,) cierto(certain), or tal(such a ...)
Quiero otra habitación.(I want another room.)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


Cominations of adjectives and nouns, 스페인어의 형용사 명사결합