Se dice(One says)

Another use of the little word se is when you are talking about people in general

In Spain, one says 'buenos dias'.
In Spain, you(in general) say 'buenos dias'
In Spain, they(i.e. peopleingeneral) say 'buenos dias'

All of these are translated by : En España,se dice 'buenos dias'

Se habla español.    One speaks Spanish.
Se puede ....?    May one....? or may I .....?
¿Como se dice ...en español?   How do you say ... in Spanish?  

Me gusta beber más cerveza que whisky    I like to drink more beer than whisky


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


Cominations of adjectives and nouns, 스페인어의 형용사 명사결합

The indefinite article, 부정관사