Prefiero ..... I prefer....

Notice that to prefer is preferir.
I prefer is prefiero and he/she prefers/you prefer are prefiere,or Vd. prefiere.
The vowels -ie- appear instead of the -e- in the second syllable.
They prefer is prefieren, but we prefer is preferimos,without the -ie-.
This is a common pattern in Spanish  - Our new verb quiero, quiere, quieren butqueremos (infinitive querer) be haves in exactly the same way.
You will notice other examples of vowel changes, but just learn them as they occur.

Yo - prefiero
Tu/él/ella - prefiere
??? - prefieren
Nosotros - preferimos

* The vowels -ie- appear instead of the -e- in the second syllable.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물


Cominations of adjectives and nouns, 스페인어의 형용사 명사결합

The indefinite article, 부정관사