Motivation Theories
Content Theories of Motivation
- Hierarchy of Needs(Maslow)
- Existence-Relatedness-Growth(ERG) Theory(Alderfer)
- Motivator-Hygiene Theory(Herzberg)
- Learned Needs Theory(McCleelland)
Process Theories of Motivation
- Equity Theory
- Expectationas/Rewards Theory
- Goal Setting Theory
The Process of Feedback in 'Needs -> Behaviors -> Rewards'
Feedback : Reward informs person whether behavior was appropriate and should be used again.
Intrinsic Rewards
- The satisfactiona person receives while performing a particular action.
- 업무자체 수행에 따른 만족감과 성취감, 도전의식
Extrinsic Rewards
- Rewards given by another person as a result of a particular action.
(Completion of a task,good performance, or positive behavior : pay increases,
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