How 2 say 'I know' in Spanish

It is an important point to say ´I know´
For example,

conozco a un matrimonio
I know a married couple.

Conozco(verb conocer) is I know in the sense of being acquainted with, knowing people, places, books, etc. To say I know of facts you use  from the verb saber.
For example,

No sé qué hora es.
I don´t know what the time is.

¿Sabe Vd. cuántos habitantes tiene Madrid?
Do you know how many inhabitants Madrid has?

No estoy seguro, pero sé que hay más de tres millones.
I´m not sure, but I know there are more than three million.

conocer tr. to know, understand, be close.
saber tr. to know, be able to do, take facts.


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